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News & Media

5/3/2021 - The Roar of a Dragon has won the Literary Titan Silver Award!

Roar of a Dragon- Full Cover Mockup 07.0
Literary Titan Silver Book Award.png

4/18/2021 - Robert does an interview with Literary Titan, where they discuss The Roar of a Dragon, important themes explored in the book, Aidan's driving ideals, among other things.

2/28/2021 - All three books are selected as "Recommended Reads" for the 2021 Author Shout Reader Ready Awards!!!

The Roar of a Dragon - Recommended Read
The Treachery of a Weasel - Recommended
The Cry of Raven - Recommended Read - 20

 5/10/2018 - Robert did an interview with Cheryl Carpinello of Carpinello's Writing Pages, where they discuss how The Roar of a Dragon came to be, why Robert writes YA, what advice Robert has for other authors, and what's next for Robert's writing.

2016 - Robert appears on the Scriggler podcast, where he reads an excerpt from his book, The Roar of a Dragon.

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