My Story
I grew up in Saratoga Springs, NY. My mom was from Thailand and became an American citizen when she married my father, who was in the Air Force. I had a great childhood with great friends and spent a good deal of time outside playing baseball and all kinds of other things. I dropped out of school in 1996 and got my GED in 2009.
I worked all kinds of jobs, such as a pipe insulator and a helper for a carpet installer. I worked at Wal-Mart for seven years (during which my first child was born in 2003) but unfortunately, issues with dizziness forced me to leave there in 2008. My second child was born later that year. I was originally diagnosed with right unilateral vestibular hypofunction, but it is believed to be compounded by my anxiety issues. When I became sick, I turned back to my love of writing, and finished my first novel, The Roar of a Dragon, in 2011. I spent about a year shopping the novel around to various literary agents, with no luck. Then one day, I was contacted by Cat Charlton, co-founder of Rowanvale Books, and the rest was history. The Roar of a Dragon was officially published in 2016.
Two years later the second book in the series, The Treachery of a Weasel, was published, and in 2020 came The Cry of a Raven. Finishing off the series was a major accomplishment for me and I couldn't wait to share it with everybody!
My mom, unfortunately, passed away this year (2021) at the age of 83. She was one of the biggest fans of my writing and would buy my books in bulk so she could sell them to other people in her apartment complex. I miss her dearly and truly hope that she is proud of what I have done.
In my free time, I like to play video games and watch stuff on YouTube. I am a big fan of The Walking Dead, The Office, and Breaking Bad, among others. My boys are the engine that pushes me forward and my girlfriend is my angel and my strength.